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Weight Loss Testimonials

MAX Fat LossTM 🇦🇪
Science of Medicine & Sports


Views of some of the patients -

I was 88kgs at 5.6. I had prediabetes and high uric acid. I was stressed with the way I looked and tired always. I followed all the instructions religiously, for next 3 months. Healthy diet, daily workouts, all the supplements and medicine. With the combined effort I was able to reach 72kgs with total loss of 16kgs which was huge difference for my looks. I feel great, I look better, my clothes fit better. Best thing I have done for myself and my health. Changed my life. Thank you.

Rashmi S    British    HR administrator   

اشيد بالدكتور أبرار فقد ساهم في علاج والدتي التي كانت تحتاج لإنقاص وزن من خلال إرشاداته فشكرا له من كل أفراد اسرتي

ناصر محمد حاجي عثمان    صومالي    مدير علاقات عامه   

دكتور أبرار من أفضل دكاترة تخفيف الوزن الموجودين داخل دوله الإمارات

عبد الفتاح حجازي    مصرى    مسؤول خدمه العملاء برجمان مول دبي   

الدكتور أبرار أعطاني استشارة وعلاج بخصوص الوزن وله الفضل في تخفيف وزني من ٩٢ الى ٨٣ في خلال ٣ أشهر

حارث محمد    يمني    حكومة دبي DP   

I lost about 50 lbs. I had diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and taking multiple medications. I put my brain and locked it in a cupboard. I completely followed Dr. Abrar’s Max Fat Loss plan. All Thanks to Allah, I am off all my medications. My blood sugars have been normal, blood pressure has been normal and donated the CPAP machine.

K.S    Indian    Businessman   

I was doing exercise and keto diet. I would lose then gain weight as soon as I ate any carbs. Just when I was turning 40 I decided to get professional help to lose weight, feel better and look better. Once I started it took me just a few days to get used to the new regime. I got better and started seeing results within days. I was eating carbs too and keeping track of my calories. My jeans and shirts were fitting better. I feel much confident and happy now and want to continue on this system.

Nikhil T    Indian    IT professional   


Lancy Lee    Chinese    Cosmetics Entrepreneur   

I have been using the max fat loss principles since last 5 years and it has totally changed my way of living. I have lost 10kgs of fat mostly around my belly and I am looking fit and trim.

Ian Khan    Canadian    International Speaker   

Мені вдалося втратити 12 фунтів, і я вдячний, що мені вдалося це зробити. Якщо хтось все ще сумнівається, чи він це потребує, тоді не соромтеся, а дійте !!! І ваше життя кардинально зміниться.

Андрій    Україна    Агро трейдер   

دكتر ابرار حاليا احسن طبيب تخفيف الوزن في الامارات

عادل علي    امارات    موظف   

Patient Results -





“Losing Weight requires Hard work & Patience | I will show you Smarter & Quicker ways to lose Weight & stay Lean” Dr. Abrar A. Khan | Founder - MAX Fat Loss™

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